Cablechip Solutions
web development with Unix, Perl, Javascript, HTML and web services
00 Perl Development
Some Past Clients
- Maintained and enhanced Yahoo’s 600+ European multimedia feeds using a highly complex, poorly documented, legacy Perl/XML based system.
- Managed software releases and critical issues.
- Liased between internal customers and network operations in many countries.
- Onboarded new feeds
- Documented legacy system using a wiki to capture knowledge when taking over from European team.
- In turn, trained and supported offshore transition team.
- Skills: Perl, Unix, XML & NewsML datafeeds, maintaining legacy systems.
Financial Times
- Analysis and development of a Web/Perl CGI intranet system to add metadata to Newspaper Articles in order to create data feeds.
- Linking to legacy applications and interfaces.
- Planning for future UTF8 products.
- Skills: Perl, SOAP, Agile, XML, XSLT, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Template::Toolkit
BBC #1
- Developer of BBC Blogs Project (
- Configuration of Movable Type Blog.
- Managed relationships with many non-technical journalists with multiple concurrent issues, and with technical teams to solve performance issues.
- Skills: Movable Type, CSS, XML, Perl, Solaris, Apache.
BBC #2
- Development of a web front end to generate extensive management reports in HTML and XML, including graphs and email delivery.
- Designing a compact yet flexible database schema to store vast quantities of search query data into a MySQL database.
- Skills: Perl, Solaris, SQL, MySQL, HTML::Template, XML.
- Loading complex binary extract files from Vodafone network elements into an Oracle database
- Investigated undocumented legacy system to reverse engineer interfaces to existing reporting database.
- Designing a generic and reusable data importer with comprehensive documentation.
- Trained development team to support the data importer.
- Skills: Perl, Linux, Oracle, SQL, SQL Loader, Ericsson HLR File Formats